Evan: For non-dualists who believe that the localization of existence (you, me, them, etc) are not ‘real,’ OR those who believe everything is perfect...
Satsang is a compound Sanskrit word that means “keeping the company of the Self.” The Self, Awareness, is the true nature of everyone and one keeps company with it by continually meditating on it in many ways. One of the most effective methods involves discussing non-dual teachings with someone whose knowledge of his or her identity as Awareness is doubt-free, to get clarity with reference to Self inquiry. The satsangs posted here are answers to the questions of many people around the world who are interested in enlightenment and committed to Vedanta as their preferred means of Self knowledge.
Now that Vedanta is well known in Western spiritual circles, it has become commonplace for unqualified “teachers” to identify with it. A qualified teacher is called a mahatma, someone immersed in the Vedic tradition who has been taught the methodology by someone who has been properly taught in an unbroken chain of teachers, through Shankaracharya, back to the Upanishads, the source texts themselves. My teacher, Swami Chinmaya, seen here with his teacher, Swami Tapovan Maharaj, satisfies this qualification. I have not strayed from the tradition since my introduction to it in 1968 and teach traditional Vedanta, although not in the traditional monastic format.
Chinmaya Teaching in a Traditional Setting
Dear Sundari, Thank you, it’s so much clarification so aptly. I have replied with quotes from your previous satsang in italics. A few times...
Dear Nick Thank you for your concern. It takes me about a week to ‘find my legs’ after traveling to Bali, but I am...
These are the 15 Principles of the Law of Karma that I learned from Vedanta. Karma and Its Results 1. Karma is action. Every...
This is a long list, but you can just memorize the headings. Keep it somewhere you see it, and read it often. If you...
Question: I find it very difficult and painful to watch the news and video clips on war, bombings, damage to cities, human suffering, etc....
Inquirer: Your true nature simply isn’t “knowable” in the way that you mean here. That’s kinda the whole “point”. Knowing something means “having a...
Thank you for our talk again,it pops up sometimes and brings a great big smile in me 🙂 Also I look forward to your...
Seeker: My understanding (possibly mistaken) is that Advaita Vedanta (AV) maintains that the Godhead or Brahman (whatever sound we make to represent That) is...
Seeker: When I feel the emotion of joy, the nature of Consciousness shines throughthe body-mind, whatever the cause of the joy. When I feel...
Frank: Thank you for our communications and in my previous mail (referring to the dilemma of Iswara and Karma Yoga and the “struggle” to...
Question:How can I know my true Nature, Consciousness/the nondual Self/Witness?This is how I see it. Realization of the true nature of reality is recognized...
What is Vedanta? It is an analysis of experience that frees you of attachment objects and produces complete satisfaction with yourself as you are...
Hello James, I recently came across your work.. This question has to do with my spiritual path and, specifically, about an experience that occurred...
Indescribable but Revealable God Everything that exists is God, the innermost essence of everything, so what word will describe it? However, you can get...