Douglas (or Charles): Hello James and Sundari,
Thank you for your well-considered replies to my email. I’ve read them and shared them with friends. That said, I’m going to take some time to consider my responses before I reply. I’m in the middle of an unusually busy time and I don’t want to respond hurriedly.
I hope you understand.
Sundari: Of course, no problem. Nothing we take offence at or have an issue with is ever about anyone but ourselves. Just as Paul, Sarah, and Christians’ grievances have nothing to do with James but themselves, neither do your grievances based on your perception of theirs. Your dissatisfaction is about you alone. In finding a reason to disrespect and ‘demote’ James as a teacher and someone to look up to, you were looking for justification for your own lack of growth. We only ever insult ourselves
But thanks to this, Isvara has given you a possible turning point in your life. You are a good and kind person, Douglas, but we don’t think your commitment to moksa, living nonduality, has been that strong. It will be interesting to see where you go with it, as without you knowing what you were asking for, you ran straight into God’s sledgehammer. Unlike your friends who all claimed they wanted freedom, but when God came calling took refuge in righteous ego indignation, you have the option to take this for the gift it is. I hope for your sake, it shakes loose what you need to see to grow and find true freedom from bondage to ego smallness. If not, you will be in good company with your aggrieved friends.