Today is the Winter Solstice—which, for those of us living in the Northern hemisphere, marks the shortest of days and, therefore, the darkest of...
One of the greatest challenges facing seekers of liberation is the fact the senses are, by nature, extroverted; focused outwardly upon the world of...
John:I hope you have been keeping well. This time my question is on the degree of purity and the exaggeration of enlightenment even in...
It’s said that when Adi Shankara was only eight years old, he met the sage Govindapada, who would later become his guru. Govindapada asked...
“The most enlightening part of what John said on Sunday, which I hadn’t fully understood before—but now grasp thanks to the transcript—is the following:...
Questioner:I look at the world around me and am witnessing a very chaotic world. With wars, corruption, pandemics and it seems to be on...
“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell or a hell of heaven.” John Milton The purpose...
Happy Solstice! I’m writing this on the morning of the Winter Solstice 2023 and have been reflecting on the way human beings have, throughout...
Questioner:Does Prayer work in this empirical world? I understand (intellectually) that at an absolute level there is nobody praying to no one. Rory: Vedanta encourages...
Questioner: I have a question. If the cause of the physical universe and all its laws are the result of Ishvara what do you do...