CC: Sometimes all is super clear and the mind calm and then again it is not; the contrast, lately, is rather strong.Sattva/ tamas shifting,...
C: I disappeareda bit because I stopped smoking, last year January 2023, to get rid of excessivetamas. It worked and/but sawall kinds of tamasic...
A Shortcut to Recognition of Myself as Consciousness?” Proponent: The shortcut to Consciousness is to just be it. Answer: There is no shortcut because...
Allen: 1)Causal, Subtle & Gross I understand there is a macro and micro, which is to say, Ishwara and Jiva, version of the 3...
Danielle: Lately, it has felt like I should reach out to you (or James), at least to express my gratitude for your generous resource...
Dear Ramji, The moral inventory process has been very useful. This Jiva came with so much delusion and confusion. I have been very selective...
Dear James, I hope you’re well and so is Sundari! You’re with me ‘wherever I go‘ and I just cannot start a letter to...
David:Dear Rory I do have a couple of questions which if you are willing to answer I would be most grateful. Once one has...
Jane:The great magic show called life – I cannot enjoy it. I am constantly thinking, “Why do I have to deal with this sh**?...
The question:IsIsvaraas puresattva(the intelligent cause of Creation), a principle subject to change or is it changeless? If we look intoIsvaraas: (1)sattva, the intelligent cause,...