Recently we had some questions from a Vedanta teacher relating to the doctrine. Specifically, the use of certain Sanskrit words, such as vasana and...
Satsang is a compound Sanskrit word that means “keeping the company of the Self.” The Self, Awareness, is the true nature of everyone and one keeps company with it by continually meditating on it in many ways. One of the most effective methods involves discussing non-dual teachings with someone whose knowledge of his or her identity as Awareness is doubt-free, to get clarity with reference to Self inquiry. The satsangs posted here are answers to the questions of many people around the world who are interested in enlightenment and committed to Vedanta as their preferred means of Self knowledge.
Now that Vedanta is well known in Western spiritual circles, it has become commonplace for unqualified “teachers” to identify with it. A qualified teacher is called a mahatma, someone immersed in the Vedic tradition who has been taught the methodology by someone who has been properly taught in an unbroken chain of teachers, through Shankaracharya, back to the Upanishads, the source texts themselves. My teacher, Swami Chinmaya, seen here with his teacher, Swami Tapovan Maharaj, satisfies this qualification. I have not strayed from the tradition since my introduction to it in 1968 and teach traditional Vedanta, although not in the traditional monastic format.
Chinmaya Teaching in a Traditional Setting
Dear Ramji, If the subject matter of Vedanta is “me”, the Self, and I have learned that “Vedanta is Me” from some source, (possibly...
Today is the Winter Solstice—which, for those of us living in the Northern hemisphere, marks the shortest of days and, therefore, the darkest of...
Christian: Thank you so much – now I get it, this was a gap “I” as Jiva, my mind, really was not understanding.The vision...
Inquirer: You explained very clearly in your Sunday Zoom satsang last night why it is impossible that free will is actually ‘free’ thanks to...
The thrust of self-inquiry is to remove the ignorance that stands in the way of appreciating our true and unlimited nature, which is not...
Hello Kate, Thank you for the Satsangs. I read about karma yoga again and my notes on Sadhana which have both got me thinking....
I have been listening to you both on the ShiningWorld YouTube channel and what a JOY to be with you in mind and heart....
Dear Ramji, It was such a touching seminar! To have everything broken down in a short intense fashion, I loved it. I really needed...
Hello Mr. Swartz,You mentioned getting rid of the sense of doership. How does this come about?Thank you! The Mind Dear Mind, The sense of...
Frank: Thank you again for the insights you have given me these last weeks. Karma yoga is liberating and challenging at the same time! I...
One of the greatest challenges facing seekers of liberation is the fact the senses are, by nature, extroverted; focused outwardly upon the world of...
Chandogya Upanishad: “Mind, the means of knowledge and experience, evolves out of Food.” 1. Earth Principle. It is virtually impossible to determine if the...
From where do thoughts arise? Where do they go after they have been thunk? After one thought, then memory, then the next thought, then...
Note from Sundari: This is a response from a Buddhist monk to my satsang on the fallacy of non-existence, and my reply to him...