Advaita Vedanta does not aim to “reveal” your true Self (Atman),although it seems to,as the Self is already self-evident and ever-present. It is your...
It is true that probably ninety five percent of spiritual teachers these days tout enlightenment as some kind of experiential happening. They lead you...
Dear Charles, It’s time to either write off the notion that you are a serious seeker or admit that you don’t have your own...
As a Mahayanist, and I know many people disagree with me, my understanding is that nirvana and enlightenment are not exactly the same. As...
Time as a continuum can be divided into past present and future. The past can be divided into yesterday, last week and last...
Hi James, Greetings from Belgium and… Happy New Year. I hope you’re doing fine and that you’re enjoying this Christmas time. As you may...
Dear Ramji, If the subject matter of Vedanta is “me”, the Self, and I have learned that “Vedanta is Me” from some source, (possibly...
I have been listening to you both on the ShiningWorld YouTube channel and what a JOY to be with you in mind and heart....
Dear Ramji, It was such a touching seminar! To have everything broken down in a short intense fashion, I loved it. I really needed...
Hello Mr. Swartz,You mentioned getting rid of the sense of doership. How does this come about?Thank you! The Mind Dear Mind, The sense of...