Anna:I have one difficulty in managing my one particularvasana.I don’t even know how to describe it. I am conducting lectures for students this year;...

Satsang is a compound Sanskrit word that means “keeping the company of the Self.” The Self, Awareness, is the true nature of everyone and one keeps company with it by continually meditating on it in many ways. One of the most effective methods involves discussing non-dual teachings with someone whose knowledge of his or her identity as Awareness is doubt-free, to get clarity with reference to Self inquiry. The satsangs posted here are answers to the questions of many people around the world who are interested in enlightenment and committed to Vedanta as their preferred means of Self knowledge.

Now that Vedanta is well known in Western spiritual circles, it has become commonplace for unqualified “teachers” to identify with it. A qualified teacher is called a mahatma, someone immersed in the Vedic tradition who has been taught the methodology by someone who has been properly taught in an unbroken chain of teachers, through Shankaracharya, back to the Upanishads, the source texts themselves. My teacher, Swami Chinmaya, seen here with his teacher, Swami Tapovan Maharaj, satisfies this qualification. I have not strayed from the tradition since my introduction to it in 1968 and teach traditional Vedanta, although not in the traditional monastic format.
Chinmaya Teaching in a Traditional Setting

Santos:Ouch… awareness is aware of thisjivasuffering a headache. There is a very existential feeling of being caught between two realities at the moment. On...
Santos:Can you help explain something, please? (Since so far all you send has been amazingly helpful, and forgive all the use of “I” in...
Carol:Dear Sundari, I read theDitching the Illusion of Youth satsangwhere you mentioned that you changed the color of your hair to align the physical...
Peter:Hi, Sundari. I felt I had to write and say thank you to you and James for your website and YouTube posts. I had...
Santos:The holding of the mind upon the reflection of the self in asattvicsubtle body is a direct means to self-knowledge by virtue of the...
Robert:Hi, Sundari. I came across James’ teaching randomly after almost 15 years since I started coming across non-duality teachers, and I always read them...
Student:And just as a side note, my trained career is a croupier in a casino, abusiness saturated with desire, ignorance and suffering. Eight hours...
Cassie:Dear Sundari, right now I am thinking about the three states. During the waking state, I witness my subtle body and my gross body...
Frank:Thank you for this most useful information, Sundari! Seeing as my self-knowledge is still indirect, I will begin withsravana. What are the scripture titles?...
Cal: So the true voices of truth, the lights of revelation itself, my newfound gurus sent by Isvara say… Don’t be a wanker. Thanks, James and Isabella. But seriously,...
Micah:Norway is in this darkest time of year now; it is a beautiful time for lighting candles and deep reflection. I think of both...
Nico:Thank you for your response, Sundari. It is very helpful, and I’ll continue to work on mykarma yogaand read. Your note did spark a...
Nicola:To completely rob the doer from the notion of doership is more difficult. Sundari:Yes, this is the tough part. There are three main types...
Wayne:Just a quick email to let you know that I did actually get out! Life is looking pretty good at the minute, though no...