Nicola:Mostly I prefer silence, except sometimes when I’m housecleaning… a littlerajasto transform thetamashelps! Sundari:I know what you mean! We live almost entirely in silence...
Sandra:Thank you. Your words always help me to stay on the path. Not that I have any place other to go, but as it...
Shiva:Dear Sundari, towards the end the teachings in Tiruvannamalai recently James made the statement that thejnaniis superior toIsvara(2). Upon questioning whether it was thejivaor...
Piro:I am more often than not feeling blessed in myjiva-ness and in my awareness… been giving thanks and cleaningIsvara’steeth… delighting in my lack of...
Victor:Beloved Ramji, it has been a while since my last email, and you have been on my mind for the last few months like...
Theresa:How do I practicedosha drishtiwith my aversion for Donald Trump? How do I see the balancing side of my aversion? I was wondering what...
Sally:Hi, Ramji. Who is it who forgets Awareness (that does nothing) or the combination of me (awareness) andjiva? This has teased me for years....
Frank:Dear Ramji, thank you for taking time to write when you have such a busy schedule. Truly,Isvara’sways are inscrutable, considering you have dedicated your...
James:Hi, James. Today is my birthday, and I want to give my best friend a gift. He walks twice a day, and I want...
Isvara-Jiva-Jagat Identity (Aikyam): The Four ‘Orders of Reality’ Awareness Before the projection of maya is referred to as ‘pure’ consciousness/awareness or paramatman, amongst many other names, including Isvara. ‘Pure’...