Shining World

Let Isvara Do Your Life

Sandra: Thank you. Your words always help me to stay on the path. Not that I have any place other to go, but as it is – especially in the beginning – a lonely path. It’s good to hear that the road leads somewhere. Now it’s also easier, as the self shines more and more through and helps to put the jiva at rest.

Sundari: The “path” is a pathless path because self-knowledge underpins everything. There is nowhere to get to as the self, since there is nowhere you are not. But if you are identified with the jiva, it seems like there is a path or journey to undertake. But self-knowledge rests on negating the doer, the one who is “going” somewhere. The ego/doer needs to feel that it is accomplishing something. You are not, as the jiva. It is only self-knowledge that can remove ignorance, not the doer going places doing anything. As the ignorance melts in the light of self-knowledge, things may change on the mithya level for the doer, but as you are no longer identified with the doer, it does not matter if they do or do not. You are on the Vedanta bus and it is taking where you need to be, which is right where you are. The steps to “get there” are the qualities of being “there” because there is only you, the eternal, actionless self. But you will see that your life as a jiva progressively improves as you apply the knowledge to it because knowledge is the only way to have a better life for the jiva.

Sandra: It was a busy two months for me (as my jiva) with lots of things to do that I wasn’t planning, but they all needed to be done. And I thought – if Isvara puts them in my way then he gives me strength to manage them all. And it appeared that trust was the best attitude to do all the stuff. And to trust my body as well – that it needs loads of sleep even if rajoguna wanted more and more. But with Isvara’s guidance I managed to do things that were unthinkable for me even last year. I always felt that things I’m doing now were my way, but at the same time I was terrified do let myself live that kind of life.

Sundari: Who was doing? When we relinquish the notion of doership, we forego gratuitous actions and undertake only the actions that are not contrary to dharma – that support our sadhana – and most importantly, we act knowing we are not the doer and not in control of the results. It is not that we stop action because we cannot or that we stop acting for a particular result. We act with gratitude, consecrating our actions to the Field, which always takes care of the needs of the Total before our own little needs. We trust that Isvara is always giving us what we need and taking care of us. When we live this way, doing becomes effortless because it is known to us that Isvara is the only doer. Let Isvara “do” your life. It is so much easier than going up against Isvara!

Sandra: I have one favor to ask. I have some difficulties with understanding some terms, recently it was samadhi, but there are some others appearing as I listen to the teachings. I had no contact with those terms before and as I learn best by listening to James teachings I have difficulties with looking them up. I know that you thoughtfully published a glossary of terms on the site but they lack some terms I don’t know, probably because they are not that difficult. I imagine that it is impossible for you to fill the list in them, as even I can’t tell you which ones I don’t understand. ☺ But maybe you know of some site where the terms are explained? I get overwhelmed every time I’m looking for the short explanation, as it seems that behind each of these terms there is whole spiritual universe lurking.

Sundari: There is a great book I use, called A Concise Dictionary of Indian Philosophy, which gives not only the translation but several versions of terms and their etymology. Otherwise, Dayananda has a great one, called Vedanta-Sanskrit Glossary, available online to copy or download. I have attached a bunch of others we use and are also available on our website.

Sandra: Much love – I wanted to pass one thing to Ramji – bless his cynical and straightforward sense of humor, it made me trust the teaching in the first place and it makes his teachings as close to conversation as one can get.

Sundari: Thank you, I will do so, and I could not agree more! Much love to you too.

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