Shining World

About ShiningWorld

ShiningWorld is a non-profit charitable institution dedicated to the dissemination, realization and application of Non-Dual wisdom worldwide. It attracts seekers of freedom and non-dual love, who understand that modern “non-dual” teachings do not deliver what they purport to deliver and offers common sense advice for those who are open to it. James Swartz, Isabella Viglietti, and others, teach the ancient science of existence shining as consciousness, popularly known as Vedanta. Vedanta is not a religion, but it is not opposed to religion. Any sincere person who wants to know the answers to the universal existential questions is welcome. ShiningWorld offers online courses, weekly interactive Zoom discussions (satsangs), talks and meditations worldwide in clear modern English. Immerse yourself in this site at your leisure.

New to Vedanta?

You are Not Separate Incomplete and Inadequate

Bedeviled by a sense of incompleteness and inadequacy we seek to know what we are and why we are here. The time-tested ancient science of Vedanta definitively reveals immortal blissful self and ends the search to know the true meaning of life. Click here to learn more.


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Recent Satsangs

Satsangs are discussion between a student and a teacher on the topic of identity.
Am I a Who? or Am I a What?

Our Events

ShiningWorld presents regular interactive teachings to seekers around the world.

Vedanta and Yoga – Not the same but not different

The teachers at ShiningWorld use a special ancient means of knowledge that proves your nature is effortless bliss. It is called Vedanta. The word veda means knowledge and the suffix anta means not two. We prove that you are not separate from anything. The result? Conflict disappears and you love yourself and others unconditionally.
We not only prove it, we show you how to achieve it in many ways.
1. Listening with an unbiased mind
2. Removing doubts about what you’ve heard
3. Actualizing a non-dual lifestyle
1. Right Attitude
2. Right Action
3. The Dharma/Karma Connection
“Freedom and non-dual love can only be accomplished by Self-knowledge because we are already free. What exactly is that knowledge? brahma satyam, jagan mithya, jivo brahmaiva na aparah – the self alone is real, the universe is apparently real: the individual is non-different from the self. Self-Knowledge is not merely a conceptual understanding of this statement; it is enjoying an ever-present direct unshakable conviction of the underlying truth that it expresses.”
Lusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias provident destiny is about voles.

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Video satsanga on all important non-dual topics relating to traditional Vedanta teaching and practice, including the relationship to Karma Yoga, Devotional Yoga, modern psychology and psychotherapy. Click here to Subscribe

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