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Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, USA

Date: 18th – 20th July, 2025


Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, MA 0126 USA

Link for information on event: Yoga and Vedanta: Understanding the Difference 

Text: Yoga and Vedanta: Understanding the Difference

The nondual teachings of Vedanta, also called the science of Consciousness, are a logical, practical, step by step methodology based on an independent means of knowledge that addresses the core issue of life, namely who am I? The nondual teachings do not belong to or come from anyone, they are simply the logic of existence. Vedanta has one agenda: to reveal that there is nothing wrong with you. Happiness and satisfaction are your birthright, and suffering is only due to lack of knowledge of your true nature.

This seminar covers what is the same and what is different about Vedanta and Yoga. For those seeking freedom and non-dual love, it will resolve the apparent conflict between the path of action (doing something to achieve a desired result) and the path of knowledge. This seminar will address questions such as: Is there a ‘state of consciousness’ or samadhi, that can only be accessed with various physical, psychological and spiritual techniques that will quarantine me from the rat race and bring peace?

Or can samadhi also be gained by nondual Self-knowledge because I am already free, as the ancient tradition of non-dual yoga, Vedanta, contends? This seminar will make it clear that there need not be a conflict between what we do and what we know. It reveals the fact that only a path that weds experience and knowledge leads to the freedom that seekers everywhere desire.

Participants will learn how to listen beyond their biases, assimilate, discriminate and actualize the true Self from the ego or doer, and to apply that knowledge in practice.

Contact For booking: Yoga and Vedanta: Understanding the Difference 

Teaching Schedule:

Friday 18th: 7:30-9:00pm

Saturday 19th:  9-11:30 and 2:30-4:00pm and 8:00-9:00pm

Sunday 20th: 9:00-11:00am

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