James:The following is an excerpt from a Vedanta book that I have been commissioned to write with the following caveat: no Sanskrit, no mention...
Dave:I notice that Vedanta doesn’t mention much, if anything, about the importance of love. For many, God is equated with love, i.e. “God is...
Questioner:Dear Ramji, i have been meditating to my true nature… my true self a lot lately… i can see clearly now who i really...
Praveen:My question is with regards to free will and its application in material pursuits. I understand that I am the Self, and thatIsvarais the...
Is God a Big Bulshitter? I came across thesatsangbelow at your website that fascinates me and I want to ask you a question about...
Jack:I have a question aboutIsvara. If I understand the teaching correctly, you make a distinction betweenIsvara1 andIsvara2.Isvara1 is the undifferentiated Self, orsat-chit-ananda. Isvara2 “arises”...
Questioner:Dear Ramji, I came across the following statement in an blog about the importance of God-knowledge. It said, “Using the simple logic of inference,...
Vedanta and Prayer We appreciate the value of Vedanta because of our goodkarma. Vedanta is the greatest opportunity that life can offer. Without it...
Paolina:I recently came acrossConversations with Godby Neale Donald Walsch. Although I have not read it, just started, and that has drawn me to another...
James:This article is based on a transcript of one of Swami Paramarathanada’s talks: What Is God? Intelligent people consider their relationship with the creator,...