Shining World

Why They Gave the Nobel Prize to Bob Dylan

Ariel: My dear teacher, this letter is written from the beginning of time. And I wrote eons ago to thank you for being there for me. My name is Ariel. As you say in your videos, I have been looking for me, looking for you, my whole life. Since I was 24 years old when I first met me, I’ve made it on pure intelligence, what we really are.

I have never been a member of any religion or philosophy and I’ve never moved a single millimeter from what is considered an ordinary life. I am married and have two children, and I have never been either east nor west to look for something that I sensed so close to me as my own skin.

How did I get you? Well, you know how the goddess Chance works. I was looking for something, as usual, on the internet and it took me to another link, and this link went to a video of you where you were explaining your first epiphany during which you heard your own voice as an object, something other than “you.” This happened to me twice. You also said in another video that when you were driving, the road was moving but you were sitting still. This also happened to me. We have been spiritual companions in other lives.

After that I started to listen systematically to your YouTube videos. I first heard the Bhagavad Gita series. By the way, I read the Bhagavad Gita and Vivekachudamani a couple of times, and these two hooked me in a second. Then I heard the series Bhakti: The Yoga of Love, and finally, I started listening to the Vedanta Retreat series, and in the first or second video when you grab the pen and ask where it is and then show how it is in you… BADABOOM!!! As Michael Jackson would say, THIS IS IT!!!

Thanks to you I discovered that my main problem was trying to stay in the SELF. Whenever I found it, I believed that I could remain in AWARENESS as jiva. I have been kept in mental institutions two or three times for short periods, but that will not happen again. Thanks to you I know now which is the way, and if my infinite memory isn’t enough I have your audios in a safe place.

Thanks for letting me to know you in me or for letting you know me in you, if you prefer, and if I do not receive a response to this letter, anyway, I already know why they have just given the Nobel Prize to Bob Dylan.

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