Hi Ramji,

I’ve been enjoying the weekend seminars and the Q&A sessions that follow. They’re a superb way of either learning and or cementing self knowledge. I wanted to let you know that I believe that these seminars are very powerful and because of Covid we are really getting something extra here. It’s a silver lining for sure! It’s like travelling around with a real mahatma, maybe not quite as powerful but still it affords a unique opportunity that I believe we all really appreciate. This is writing itself btw. In my own sadhana the knowledge is very very clear now and this brings to mind the ouroborous and how the mind is eating itself and being eaten up with the nectar of truth.
I almost don’t want to say it at the risk of sounding like a pretentious poseur, and in the distant past the jiva has been prone to occasional outbursts of prideful boasting. However, now I know all the qualities belong to life itself – Isvara. The jiva feels so powerful, but not in a rajasic way. It is the culmination of discrimination and knowing that maya cannot reach me – existence shining as consciousness- maya cannot affect me in anyway. Mithya is me but I’m definitely not mithya. This feeling of power is the effect of the knowledge being true to the object, me – the association-less “I”, the non experiencing witness. The invisible line is there and never the Twain shall meet.
Since I was 29 or 30 a few years after I saw an interview with you on Conscious TV I began studying Vedanta and not long after I realised the self, however it’s taken many years for the knowledge to truly take effect and begin to actualise itself. Vedanta takes us to places we never dreamt we could reach and yet we don’t even need to physically move anywhere, especially with yourself and Sundari providing the seminars from your Spanish home. The intention on your part is very pure and that’s why it’s so powerful because it’s Isvara – God – teaching Isvara what it really is. There’s no hidden agenda and I can see the dispassionate approach you take to it. My deepest thanks Ramji & Sundari and anybody else that makes the website and the zoom seminars possible. Until next time keep well, Om & Prem.
Ramji: Lovely testimonial, Mike! I love the the Ouroborous metaphor. Here’s a pic of a bas relief sculpture that Sundari just completed. And yes, the Zoom meetings are very helpful. Isvara in the form of one of our Vedanta donated the pro subscription so it has been working well. In person is best, I suppose, but not really because in the end Vedanta is just knowledge. If you can sit in your easy chair at home with a cup of tea and listen without bias it will go in and start doing its work in the fulness of time. I’m very happy for you. It’s all Isvara but give the mithya you, if there is one, a pat on the back for hanging in there! I’ve attached a pic of Sundari’s Ouroborous.
Much love,