Shining World

The Lord is the Devotee of the Devotees (Miracles!)

Ten years ago, when Isvara wove our unlikely karma streams together, we said our vows to each other on a Mountain called Eagle Peak near a little white village called Gaulchos on the Costa del Sol in Spain.  All the Hindu gods have “vehicles” (vahanas) that symbolize the Self as Maya, the whole universe.  Krishna, our favorite deity rides on a magnificient eagle called Garuda. 

Our ceremony was beautiful and simple, just the Self, the setting sun, the wind, and nature, perfect in every way.  Afterward, we went down to the mountain to the seaside to celebrate at our favourite restaurant, Caferini in Castell de Ferro.  Just after dark, we drove back up the mountain to our home.  As we approached our village, a huge delightful burst of colourful fireworks filled the night sky, which we saw as Isvara cheering the union of our jivas in the Self. 

On the 29th of September, ten years later, we returned on another beautiful day to the same mountain to renew our vows.  As we searched we pulled off at a turnout that seemed to be the same spot.  As soon as we stopped the radio, which we never use and was definitely off, switched itself on and played a romantic liebeslied (love song) written by Schumann and dedicated to his soulmate, Clara Wieck, whom he was about to marry!  Astounded and convinced we had the right place, again witnessed by the Self we renewed our vows and drove back to the village.

As we approached our former home (it was early afternoon, about siesta time when no one was about) there was a huge bust of fireworks!!!  Amazed and enchanted, we laughed out loud at Isvara’s extravagant playful devotion for Its non-dual devotees.

Here are some pics to commemorate our experience…

Caferinii – 2021

Anniversary lunch 2011

Anniversary lunch 2021

Anniversary dinner on the Beach at Herradura 2021

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