April 15, 2018 Sundari Swartz Why No Karma Yoga Teaching?Claude:I have been into the Vedanta teaching for quite some time. Currently, I am completely satisfied with my life. Sundari:This is a great sign,...Continue Reading... Sundari Swartz
September 20, 2017 Sundari Swartz Teaching VedantaSeeker:Hi, Sundari. I have read through all the requirements at ShiningWorld and I wanted to start to teach Vedanta in Swedish. English is my...Continue Reading... Sundari Swartz
March 14, 2015 James Swartz This Holy KnowledgeAngela:Dear Mr. James, what a good surprise to see your message. Thank you for all the videos – your voice is always in my...Continue Reading... James Swartz
March 14, 2015 James Swartz Strange Idea of SurrenderJames:I received an email with a link to an article about a Muktananda devotee-swami,the head of anashramin Australia, who was recently removed from his...Continue Reading... James Swartz