Mark:What I mean by my last email is that I sure as hell I have the all emotions kicking in in an endless chain....
Student:Dear Ramji, I want to thank you so much for our Skype conversation the other day. Just having a normal conversation with you is...
Mike:Hi, James. I was reading a website that said that insentient things have consciousness. Is it valid Vedanta? James:This guy is pretty knowledgeable Vedanta-wise....
Mary:I read your email carefully again. Do you mean the doubt whether it is myvasanaprojecting or my teacher’svasana,not the projection itself? But is that...
Tess:Today I heard James say that when awareness shines on something, the energies start spinning on this reflection, making things happen. I can understand...
Rory:You can’t be connected to the self any more than the wave or the ocean can be connected to water. They ARE water. You...
John:We got hung up on the word “moksa” in our group. I am asking everyone to read the last chapter ofEnlightenmentagain, as it lays...
Jane:During my time with Mooji, he used to quote a saying by a Vedanta master (I think it is Shankara) and he would present...
Seeker:Hi, James. Thank you for your prompt reply end of July, which was very much appreciated! I restrained the urge to immediately write back...
Ed:Dear James, I watched theTrue Natureseminar and got the explanation of the section of theGuru Parampara,which I now chant daily. My partner and I...