Ramji, As you know I have been struggling the whole time with vasanas. Mainly food and sex. I long since gave up smoking and...
Questioner:I look at the world around me and am witnessing a very chaotic world. With wars, corruption, pandemics and it seems to be on...
14th January 2024 Sunday Zoom Satsang , with Ramji and Sundari Dear Friends, James and I arrived safely in New York on Sunday 31stDecember,...
Note from Sundari: This is an exchange with Shay over a very important point, see my response below, and the link to our zoom...
This satsang is the fifth in a series by John Baxter on the relationship between psychotherapy and Vedanta. If you are involved in the...
Jonathan : If our mind generates unpleasant thoughts we are opposing Dharma somewhere in our life.Negative thoughts are generated by negative actions which are...
This teaching is the fourth part of a ShiningWorld blog on Modern Psychotherapy and Vedanta by John Baxter. You are encouraged to question and...
Dear Sundari, Thank you for your reply to my last email, since then I have been continuing with karma yoga and self-inquiry, I have...
Franco: I’m beginning to see that the results of karma are not in my control (finally!). My knowledge and power are both limited as...
Dear Sundari, I hope you’re having a great time in the US! It’s been a while since I last wrote to you. All is...