To Enroll:
Hi James, Just learned about David Godman who claims that he got established in the Self when seeing Papa Ji. Do you know about...
Hi Jim,Thanks for the message. Yes, I will really slip down the rankings if I don’t beat a path to Colmenar pretty damn soon…....
Dear X……, People have started complaining about your questions and attitude in the satsang again, which I take as Isvara suggesting that I make...
In Vedanta there seems little to no emphasis on the development of spiritual powers (siddhis). But there are established teachings outlined in scripture, which...
Dear Henry, I’m not sure why you decided to troll me last night. We had our doubts about you a few years back because...
Dear James, Harry: Thank you for sending a third text of your Wee Parables series, Cosplay. It definitely tested my vanity. Help me out...
Note: One of life’s most difficult conflicts is sacrificing one’s personalvalues when they conflict with universal values. Dear Ramji, So happy to hear from...
Dear Ramji I hope you are well. I just wanted to drop you a brief note to say that the ground that opened up...
Dear Ramji, (a) If Iswara, God, Macrocosmic Mayadoles karmas according to our collective actions dharmic andadharmic, is thedecline inrighteousnessat any time in history this...