Shining World

Love – The Greatest Sufferings are the Greatest Learnings

Ramji, great satsang upload today. 

Was contemplating this whole thing of love and attachment. I like the quote from Shakespeare “better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all”

However, I’d say that’s true more because of the pain of attaching love to an object. That’s a great teaching in discrimination and dispassion and the value of failing in love.  So when Love is no longer attached to any particular object, it can then be present as my own nature much, much, more and for whatever comes into its sphere. This is, because it’s then not limited to a particular person and there isn’t that insistence upon particular circumstances for love or happiness to be present.

It seems many people get bitter with love, but it’s clear that it’s  the attachment that’s the problem, not love itself.  Love can potentially grow much broader if the lessons of attachment and expectation are learned. I guess that’s because even negative results, or failures if accepted as learning tools can help one come into greater harmony with life by the elimination of ignorance.

I think insistence is the key word here for sure. By insistence on a particular result, I’m not leaving it in God’s hands, I’m not trusting that life is ultimately benign whatever result cones,  good or bad.  It’s all grist for the mill.  If ‘bad’ I’ll learn from it.  If good I’m grateful for it.  It doesn’t matter, it can all serve.

In my life the greatest sufferings have often been the greatest learnings and that’s led to the sense of the underlying goodness of life, whatever it brings and that ends the suffering.

Ramji:  Amen.

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