Shining World

Gone Fishing


Well summer is in full swing. I moved from bait fishing to fly fishing.  Being a knowledge-minded person, the endless amount of information and applied skill needed to fly fish is a great chew toy for the mind and being on the water, especially moving water is a moving meditation.  My life has been sufficiently simplified that I can go any time I want.  Wyoming is loaded with plenty of amazing fishing within a 45 min drive in any direction so I am having a great time. The phrase epistemological humility comes to mind as I laugh at myself getting flys caught in the bushes. My seemingly never ending string of sloppy casts are free of the jiva’s need to look good or smart or capable and instead accepting right where “I” am, at the beginning.

I had a wonderful thought about the river as a metaphor to the mind.  The water is always flowing just as experience is always happening.  If there are no obstructions the water flows smooth and effortlessly.  But life has its twists and turns, the mind eddies and laments as if resisting its new course. Vasanas are like rocks in the water. The stronger the and bigger the vasana the more disturbance in the flow. But always the sun is just shining witnessing the flow of experience. The happiness I feel is not dependent on the river of mind being straight and free of obstruction.  The jiva is in the flow trying to accomplish the tasks of life. Once in a while his efforts bear fruit or they don’t.  His offering is the humility to not care if anyone thinks he is a good fisherman.

Thank God there is no more need to throw boulders in the river to create more and better opportunities to get something.  I am free and it is wonderful. The world and people are driving by the river trying to get where they are going so they can accomplish their dreams.  My desires continue to wither on the vine. The ideals, the collective ego identities, companionship, reputation, pleasure, all pale in comparison to nondual peace of mind. 

As always forever grateful….. 

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