Shining World

Fake News – Unintended Consequences

Questioner: Dear Ramji, I just saw that moron writing these things about you and I am really mad now! I made a request to take a nickname so I can reply to that asshole… anything I can do to help, just tell me, Ramji. I want you to know that I will reply to that forum to these silly accusations that don’t make sense. I bet they are scammers… did they ask you for money? Oh my God, I am so mad!!! Tell me what to do to help, Ramji.

Ramji: He’s just a troll, a poor pathetic person that is trying to cover up his own sense of inadequacy by trying to demean someone else. I feel sorry for him. Think of what it would be like to have that kind of mind. It’s actually funny because of the law of unintended consequences. He is trying to injure me but he is actually helping ShiningWorld and Vedanta. As they say in the advertising business, there is no bad publicity. Good people like you stand up and defend the truth, and open-minded new people who read his posts often go to the website to get more information, see what it is and get interested in Vedanta because, as you say, in the context of my work his statements don’t make sense. Several people who have come to my seminars have said as much. I’ve also noticed an increase in traffic to the website, the donations and the sale of books and videos since he started his campaign. They have a saying in India: “Nobody throws stones at a tree that doesn’t have ripe juicy mangos.” So it is really a badge of honor to be hated like this. Fake news. Anyway, the world has moved on; everyone knows about cowardly trolls who cower in the dark because they lack the integrity to own their dishonesty. As the government puts new rules in place for the greedy tech companies, the troll world will gradually die out. Even if it doesn’t, it eventually dies from within because it is painful to suck energy from lies. My advice is to do nothing, but if you want to make a post, it’s fine with me.

~ Love, Ramji

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