Shining World

Does the Chicken Eat You or Do You Eat the Chicken?

James … there’s a thing I want to ask you … there’s many people who want to renounce the world but still there are people who don’t permit them … what do you suggest to such people who are tangled up in relationships … there is this silly joke that one of the most renowned philosophers of our time likes to tell.. there was a guy who thought he’s a pea, so he spent months in the loony bin and finaly he was cured so they let him go … but just in while he ran back and said to the doctor .. “i know i’m not a pea… but does the chicken know it” … meaning that my context refuses to recognise me for what i am

James:  Are you in the context or is the context in you? If you are in it then the contextual chicken will eat you.  If you are Awareness, the context is as good as non-existent for you because it has no impact, in which case you eat the chicken! Nobody is stopping anyone else from doing what they want.  If they are, it’s because the controlled person is pleased to be controlled.

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