ShiningWorld’s 20th Annual Trout Lake Retreat 2021

I’m not exactly sure, but I think the first Trout Lake campout happened on 2001 or thereabouts so let’s give my aging memory the benefit of the doubt and throw in last year just for fun so I can round off and justify calling this year’s offering the 20th annual retreat. I like the ring of it. Of course reality is non-dual but it’s a venue that competes with Tiruvannamali for a special place in my heart. I feel blessed that Isvara has provided the opportunity to commune with so many great souls by that little stream under the canopy of those great firs.
Just as it is impossible to determine where the hand ends and the arm begins, it is impossible to determine where I end and you begin. Everyone is well aware of the issues posed by the virus, but I would like to make a few comments. As most of you know, personally I have encouraged people to get the jab, not just for their own sake, in so far as the vaccine seems to be very effective, but for the sake of others. However, there are always legitimate reasons why some can’t or won’t get vaccinated. And this great teaching should always be available to sincere hearts everywhere regardless of their opinions on topical issues. So we will rely on the honor system. To whit: If you are asked about your status please be truthful. The venue is certainly big enough to sit several feet apart and there is plenty of room to sit in the shade quite far away (masked or unmasked) and return to your place of rest without interacting with apparent others. You can think of it as a silent retreat, if you like. If you have been vaccinated and are sitting up front, please mask. Both vaxers and anti-vaxers should resist the temptation to claim the moral high ground. Rightly or wrongly every thinks they are wise, so remember Krishna’s words, “let not the wise unsettle the minds of the ignorant,” exercise self-control and let sleeping dogs lie on the virus “issue,” please. The virus is Isvara…what is…and although it may not be apparent, it is here for a good reason. And finally, dispassion toward and compassion for differences are two hallmarks of mature people.
Although I feel like a million bucks these days (the quarantine has been very good for me), have had two Pfizer shots and plan to do another ten Trout Lakes, I’m 80 and supposedly a “heart patient” so I will not be hugging, although I feel comfortable communicating maskless during the breaks with people who are vaccinated. I’m happy to wear a mask if you request it and you should be prepared to wear a mask if you are unvaccinated and wish to speak with me.
Seating will perhaps be an issue this year as I don’t have my truck and trailer and will be unable to provide seating. So you are encouraged to bring your own, if possible. If you need seating please let us know as I will arrive a few days beforehand and can rent chairs in Hood River.
In any case, all are welcome!