Shining World

Desire Made Me Do It!

Dear Ramji,

If the subject matter of Vedanta is “me”, the Self, and I have learned that “Vedanta is Me” from some source, (possibly from you), is knowing (Vedanta is Me) a stage in the process of self realization?  And does Vedanta is Me drop away once Self Actualized?

Hi Sanford,

Yes, “Vedanta is me” is an upgrade that needs to be upgraded.  Upgraded from what?  From the notion that Vedanta is a means of knowledge for the Self.  Presumably because of Vedanta, which you were introduced to by Ramji, you know you are the Self, at least intellectually, which is good.  But for people whose knowledge of the Self is skin deep…hasn’t been actualized…they need to upgrade their knowledge to “Vedanta is me.”  What does that mean?  It means they need to appreciate the non-dual nature of reality and know that Vedanta depends on the real “me,” existence shining as whole and complete unborn ordinary consciousness.  It seems you partially understood this point last night. But partial understanding is partially assimilated understanding. Water only turns to steam at 212 degrees. 

So, to answer your question, “Does knowing that “Vedanta is me” drop away once Self actualized,” the answer is NO.  Why?  Because this is an upgrade from the second upgrade. J  It is only half of the teaching.  What is the other half?  “I am not Vedanta.” 

It is instructive that you used the phrase “once Self actualized” because it really means “once I am Self actualized.”  It is true that you are not Self actualized.  On the other hand, you are actually the Self.  But wait, there’s more. 

Now, to see if you understand my reply above, please tell me why you are not Vedanta.  Think about it for a while because the most obvious answer isn’t always the best answer. 

One of the problems with our relationship, Sanford  is stubbornness (tamas).  You don’t pick up on suggestions that point to lack of flexibility around the idea of sacrifice.  I think attachment to the psychic stuff is holding you back spiritually.  I think you think you are “psychic,” but you are not “psychic” because the Self…you…don’t have a mind that is capable of being psychic.  There is no mind from the non-dual point of view.  Or if there is, it is another word that refers to you, Consciousness.

If you think of yourself as Sanford the Psychic and others reinforce that view i.e. seek special information about their dependent special samsaric selves, then naturally you are not going to see how the psychic samskara…it is a lot more than a take-it-or-leave-it vasana…becomes an attachment that belongs to Sanford Clark, not you, the Self.  Remember the “smoke and fire” metaphor in the karma yoga section of the Gita. 

This means that you are confused.  Honestly, I had to sleep on your question before I could figure out what you are confused about…and I couldn’t!   Imagine that…The Great Ramji…completely stymied by the likes of little old you 🙂  I had to wait till four AM this morning for my Isvara download and here is what God had to say.

You think you are a who first and foremost, when are a What first.  In other words, you lack discrimination, which is the primary qualification for Self knowledge and freedom.  If there is a Sanford other than a name, he is a dependent self, not the independent self. 

OK. That’s a lot to process.  If you can’t take it on board and let Isvara/Bhagavan make the adjustments to your life(style), then just hang in there and keep listening, until the rajas ameliorates a bit.  It is producing resistance, the stubbornness impeding your growth, so you don’t need to feel guilty.  As Swami D says, blame Bhagavan with a prayer like this,  “Pranams to you, O Desire!  I bow to you. I worship you, O Desire!  Obeisances over and over!!!  You made me do it!!!”

Much love,


Dearest Ramji,

Thank you. I am a mess.  Your email to me this morning is an incredibly kind and astonishing conversation. I know my old static identity will not survive.

James: Good for you, Sanford!!!  You’re fine.  Just keep listening and when you discover that you are identified with Sanford, think the “I am awareness” thought and consider what that means in terms of doership, ownership, relationships, status, security, etc.  Don’t beat yourself up for forgetting and don’t blame Isvara.  Just pivot to “I am whole and complete, a perfect child of God” and be happy.  If someone calls for apyschic advice, slip into the psychic costume, and give them a kick-ass uplifting reading.  

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