Shining World

Coming and Going

just don’t become a bitter old

man said the younger old man

to the older old man who withdrew

just a little more each day following

the taoist credo of one fewer one

less thought about an object of

concern each day until day by

day by day he became less and

less available to any sort of social

world until one day at play with

his two-year-old granddaughter

who stood eye to eye with him as

he draped himself across the

ornamental richly carpeted floor

resting his head on one elbow-

supported hand with a rag doll

in his other hand Baby Boy who

says to Baby Girl held in Maya’s

right hand that quickly whips

around her back — oh are you

hiding? Yeh. We’re playing

Hide and Seek? — thus pure play

slides toward game with its rules

it’s requisite mutual agreements

for what else could the older old

man give grown to be as purely

free as innocent ignorance at play

Maya and me and love’s puppetry

OM Prem,

Allan Tinker

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