Q: I’m still a bit confused on the concept that objects are not aware and do not know each other. If objects are a...
Rachel: Your answers provide clarity. Thank you for unfolding Vedanta. It’s very exciting to me. May I respond? I greatly appreciate you taking the...
Rachel: The Mandukya Karika is a handful. Gaudapada, in the third chapter, is proving that Brahman is beyond causality, neither cause nor effect. Questioning,...
I have to thank YOU, Ram. I can’t thank you enough – personally speaking!!! Of course, I am also thankful to MYSELF, the SELF...
The non-dual beauty when you say:Is there an essential difference between one ray of the sun and the sun itself? It allows my mind...
When somebody comes and listens to Vedanta, he or she should automatically gain the knowledge “I am Existence shining as Consciousness. I was never...
Inquirer: Something unexpected happened a few weeks ago. I felt “a presence”… nothing dramatic, no bells or whistles, no particular form, just ordinary, and...
Jim Carrey: “I used to be a guy experiencing the World. And now I feel like the World and the Universe experiencing a guy.”...
Mary: I thought I would share some recent thoughts with you regarding desires and aversions. An argument with John over a very insignificant matter...
It’s notable how many people claim enlightenment after engaging with spiritual texts or having transient insights.Genuine non-dual realization—where everything is understood as a reflection...