Shining World

Blockbuster Satsang Sunday February 11 – Maya: What it is and What it Does!!!

It is an Unseen Power that Creates Matter from Existence, Shining as Consciousness in Three Stages.

  1. It is Not the Same as Consciousness, but It is Not Different either.
  2. It is Not Real, but we experience birth and death, its effects.
  3. It is not Non-Existence because It produces Effects.
  4. It is Seemingly Real, Appearing Non-Existence 😊
  5. It is Eternal but Unreal, appearing as two states: Manifest and Unmanifest.
  6. It does not Stand Alone because Self-Knowledge destroys It.
  7. It Superimposes Isvara and Jiva on Existence shining as Consciousness.
  8. It Does Not Conceal Awareness.
  9. It is a Great Wonder because it makes what is Impossible seemingly Possible.
  10. It is Beginningless, Inexplicable, Indescribable yet Revealable.
  11. It is Beautiful, Intelligent, and Omniscient.
  12. It Reflects, Lends existence to Objects, and Controls Everything.
  13. It Reverses Subject and Object, but Its effects are not reversible, just as milk can’t be created from cheese.
  14. It causes suffering (love of objects), which seemingly conceals the Love That We Are.

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