February 5, 2024

It is an Unseen Power that Creates Matter from Existence, Shining as Consciousness in Three Stages.
- It is Not the Same as Consciousness, but It is Not Different either.
- It is Not Real, but we experience birth and death, its effects.
- It is not Non-Existence because It produces Effects.
- It is Seemingly Real, Appearing Non-Existence 😊
- It is Eternal but Unreal, appearing as two states: Manifest and Unmanifest.
- It does not Stand Alone because Self-Knowledge destroys It.
- It Superimposes Isvara and Jiva on Existence shining as Consciousness.
- It Does Not Conceal Awareness.
- It is a Great Wonder because it makes what is Impossible seemingly Possible.
- It is Beginningless, Inexplicable, Indescribable yet Revealable.
- It is Beautiful, Intelligent, and Omniscient.
- It Reflects, Lends existence to Objects, and Controls Everything.
- It Reverses Subject and Object, but Its effects are not reversible, just as milk can’t be created from cheese.
- It causes suffering (love of objects), which seemingly conceals the Love That We Are.