Dear Friends, As you must have noticed we are breaking down each Vedanta teaching into tasty bite-sized morsels to make it easier to understand...
It is an Unseen Power that Creates Matter from Existence, Shining as Consciousness in Three Stages.
In realms of thought, where wisdom gleams, Ramji, a sage transcendent dreams.Advaita whispers, a guiding light, Of self, in wisdom’s flight.A beacon bright in... Dear Friends, As announced in our previous Newsletter, we have introduced a new two pronged method to our online teaching, with the intention...
In tribute to my teacher, Ramji Dear Ramji, Thank you for bringing Vedanta to the English-speaking world. I have studied with several other teachers...
14th January 2024 Sunday Zoom Satsang , with Ramji and Sundari Dear Friends, James and I arrived safely in New York on Sunday 31stDecember,...
God’s Smile Unawake, unsleeping and undreamingI was when God’s smile,a Dyson vacuum,sucked me upinto its Heartlike a spidercrouching in acruddy crevice It held me...
Blog by John Baxter Subject and Object Now I’d like to tackle one of the core concepts in Vedanta: the distinction and relationship between...
If death is a belief and you don’t have that belief, can you talk to your great grandfather and ask how his day went?...
Blog by John Baxter Superimposition and Negation Inherent in Vedanta is a very clever strategy called superimposition and negation. Let’s give it a definition....