You are a Cyclops

What do you mean by meditating on samadhi? I don’t understand this. Isn’t samadhi a state? How can one meditate on a state?

James: The word “samadhi” refers to both a state of mind and to the unborn you, existence shining as whole and complete ordinary ever-present consciousness…yourself in short. You can’t meditate on yourself because you are yourself. But you, ordinary awareness can meditate on your mind and its states.

Samadhi is a compound word, sama and dhi, a contracted form of buddhi, the intellect, the part of your mind that thinks. Sama means equal. So samahdi is an intellect that sees no difference between one thing and another. “A yogi in samadhi sees no difference between crow shit and a gold nugget.” It means that the essence of unwanted shit and wanted non-shit is the same. It is just your own consciousness/awareness appearing as what is valuable and what is detrimental.

For a spiritual person it means your likes and dislikes. If you don’t know who you are, you will pander to your likes and avoid your dislikes. It is a terrible job. It is called “samsara,” going around and around as if caught in a whirlpool and never getting free. This is how our likes and dislikes frustrate us. If you realize you are the real or true self, you discover that you are free of the samsara problem, although likes and dislikes may continue for a while, they gradually dissolve, become preferences, and eventually dissolve for good because you are happy with yourself as you are and don’t need things to make you happy.

So, when your mind is in a non-dual state you can pay attention to what it feels like to be non-dual.  It always feels good because that state is just the experience of the bliss of non-dual awareness reflected in the mind.  In this way you get a value for non-duality.  Once you have a value for non-duality you will develop a dislike of duality and you will enthusiastically try to stay in that state.  Of course it won’t work because that state is you, but that’s OK because at some point you will re-discover that you are samadhi, meaning you have non-dual vision.   You are a cyclops.  🙂

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