Shining World

Who Needs Karma Yoga? The World is Not a Threat

Dear James,

A… I listen and read a lot about Vedanta. I feel a lot of pain when I realize how I live up to now and I don’t know how to get out of here. Then the sentence always comes up that you preferably need a teacher.  Which can help you some good with the teaching. My question is then do I have a teacher in this way,, with this listening and reading.  

James:  Are you growing, getting clearer and happier? If so this path is working.  That you’re asking means that you need a teacher.  But it is not “preferable” that you have a teacher.  It is essential because you don’t know what ignorance is and all people are subject to self-delusion.

Then there is also the doubt about how I stand in this and deal with it.  Very often I want to ask a question but when it comes down to it, there is no clear question left.  It is as if the urgency of the question is constantly being undermined. Because I already know the answer? But then what do I know? Nothing !?

James:  Maybe you don’t know what question to ask.  If you’ve been listening, you haven’t been listening properly because you missed the solution, which is karma yoga.

Slowly I also see a development in myself regarding the teachings of Vedanta.  A realization is growing of how everything works.

James:  Then you are on the right path.  It takes time.

The last few days I have been very depressed, things keep coming up that hurt. And which I have known for a long time. Is this the karma I am carrying with me?

James:  Yes.

Do I have to change situations? Or can I do by being aware of them and respecting them to resolve?

James:  Situations that are happening and have happened can’t be changed.  But you can change what will happen to some degree.  When you see that all negative situations are a opportunity for spiritual growth, then the thought that negative situations are negative disappears.  Your mind becomes free of them.

As a person I am very sensitive, especially to criticism from others, I prefer to stay in my cocoon.  But the world around me often takes me out.

James:  Cocoon is good, but you can’t avoid the world so you need to take the karma yoga view.  If you do, it will turn unpleasant situations into beneficial situations.

I do not know if I am completely clear, but it is the right way which I am going now?

James:  Yes.   You are on the right path because you “see a development in myself regarding the teachings of Vedanta and a realization is growing of how everything works.”  But you need to practice karma yoga.  It stops the worry and the sensitivity and the depression.  You see the world as a threat.  It is only a threat because you see it that way.  If you understand the logic of karma yoga, you will change your attitude toward it and the world will become your friend. 

I feel a lot of pain when I realize how I live up to now and I don’t know how to get out of here.

James:  If you practice karma yoga this pain will go away because you are doing the right thing for yourself.  Worrying about yourself isn’t the right thing.  It doesn’t help.  Practice karma yoga.

Much love,


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