Shining World

Vedanta Works

Seeker: Dear James, even though I have a busy schedule, I have been listening and absorbing the teaching daily. It makes total sense to me. Probably because I have so many years of the practice of meditation, which is just awareness reflecting, I find it easy to understand. I live in happiness and bliss and peace most of the time. However, it has been made clear to me that the SELF, awareness, is not an experience. I have also understood from the teaching that I live in sattva most of the time and that is why I experience so much happiness.

And of course rajas and tamas prevail at times and I go into some old habits, but not frequently. Occasionally, when I fall into sin, missing the mark, and think that happiness is in the object that I perceive, I allow the knowledge to see through my eyes and even if I indulge such habits, it is not the same. They are greatly reduced in effect and more frequently turned away from. I don’t make an effort. I just allow the knowledge to work its own way.

I have been practicing this for years unconsciously, but now consciously because of the scriptures that are being enunciated through James.

This is surrender to the SELF.

Not that I’m better than anyone. It is due to God’s grace or the desire to know MYSELF. Awareness is THAT which knows the bliss, peace, happiness, etc., but the objects are also the self, the spider web, in forms in the field of knowing duality. Duality is the apparent appearing in the non-dual awareness.

I guess words have to end for now. Have a wonderful day!!!

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