Shining World

Vedanta Works

Finder: Dear Ramji, I want to write to you about how everything is going for this individual. There is no “issue” I bring, just joy and gratitude and an inner peacefulness that keeps surprising me. The other day I saw how the clearing up of wrong understanding and samskaras that you helped me with when I first met you and that were essential bits of the puzzle of life to make the big picture suddenly fall all in place resulted in something wonderful. This purification of mind empowered the use of the mahavakyas. You can say “I am the Self” till you are blue in the face, but with sufficient purification and control of mind these great sayings open a limitless door to the ever present non-dual Self. For a long time I was amazed by the power these few words worked in my system. They revealed the truth of sat-chit-ananda in a most powerful way, over and over and over again – and so beautifully, self-evidently, effortlessly, ever self-shining.

As a result inner conflict has diminished to almost non-existent. All I can say is I am amazed to see this. For so long inner conflictedness and a sense of unease have been close companions of me, and now, for a good while already, there is such natural confidence, clarity, no issue inner or outer, and a great peacefulness.

The other day I went for a bycicle ride and reached a small village with an old church. I wandered into the small cemetery, the earliest graves were from around 1800. But on all gravestones it said, “Here rests______, Here rests______” and I thought, boy, it’s like people can only rest after they die. They don’t know the great rest that has been granted them while alive. This whole apparent life rests in its eternal non-dual nature. The jiva has got things to do, but it can rest in its own self-nature.

So part of writing you is to express my gratitude again to you. You have been instrumental, the teachings of Vedanta have been instrumental and have revealed eternal peace. I hug you and thank you.

An essential element for this to come to pass was me leaving my last job. Ever since it was like I held the reins of my own chariot in my own hands again, and that is a good feeling. I have two different jobs to keep my family afloat financially, both somehow are quite demanding physical labor jobs. But my body can still do it and I am happy to do the work. I also have four clients for my therapy work, and the work with them is going very well. The people that come to me are all practitioners with some emotional instabilities. I help them with a mixture of psychology, jnana yoga and explaining karma yoga, mainly. I am gaining confidence, as I have already been able to really help a few people very nicely.

Besides all this, I have also taken an uncharacteristically bold step to share some of the knowledge I have received. The desire to do this has been bubbling inside of me for a good while now. I have given two afternoon workshops, and next Saturday will be my third one. So far I enjoy it very much and people too. I introduce briefly some basic Vedanta – drik-drishya viveka, karma yoga and guna management. And by the end of the day I send them on to ShiningWorld to explore all this further. As I write this to you, the sense “Who am I to teach these great teachings?” is there, but actually so far it is all happening quite naturally, giving me an opportunity to further appreciate that I am not the doer. I actually feel this is my next step for my practice of nididhyasana. And I am really enjoying it. More than enjoying, I am quite moved and grateful to be able to share some of these precious teachings.

So thank you, Ramji. This journey on the Vedanta bus is a marvelous one. Please tell me if anything of the above needs tweaking or correction.

~ Big hug and pranams!

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