Shining World

The World is NOT an Illusion

This sentence reveals a certain confusion. Illusions definitely exist or you wouldn’t use the word.  We don’t have words for things that don’t exist, except the word non-existence.  The world too definitely exists or you wouldn’t use the word world and write it with the expectation that someone would read it.  No existent or non-existent person does anything without an expectation, in this case your desire to educate an illusory non-existent me.  Someone born in an illusory world would be a non-existent person with non-existent expectations.  

This statement is confused because anything that is omniscient would not be a person. People exist with their illusory likes and dislikes but an entity that knows everything isn’t a he or a she, which is to say a person with likes and dislikes. At best, this conscious entity, which is commonly known as God, the Creator, doesn’t have likes and dislikes because illusory people in an illusory world need to have a reasonable expectation that the world is created by impersonal principles or they would not get out of their illusory beds in the illusory morning and set out to satisfy their illusory likes and dislikes by gaining non-existent illusory experiences. Fire needs to stay hot, gravity needs to work where it is appropriate, water should stay wet, etc.  If gravity worked in space there would be no space station. If water tired of being wet and chose to be dry for a minute, the whole creation would collapse immediately, never to return.  If the Creator is an intelligent all-knowing person it would have to be impersonal or its illusory non-existent creation would not work for its illusory creatures. Said people with existent likes and dislikes would definitely suffer if they knew they were living in a non-existent illusion because non-existent illusory experiences would not satisfy existent people with real likes and dislikes.  A dream state steak does not satisfy a waking state Biafran.  People try to satisfy their likes and dislikes because they think likes and dislikes are real. Sages call this state of mind samsara, suffering.

Whoever or whatever…perhaps a bot?…wrote this sentence should probably consider the facts enumerated above by the illusory non-existent person reading it to avoid embarrassing his or herself.  I favor the illusory person theory because ChatGPT wouldn’t misspell omniscience.  Bots needn’t worry and they don’t know what they are talking about, which is why this statement made me laugh.  Thanks, bot.  If there is a person behind the bot who takes the bot seriously, I’m not laughing at you.  Perhaps you were distracted or sleepy when you read/wrote it.  Even if I were having a laugh at your expense it would be a non-existent illusory laugh, right? 🙂

Sorry, the world is not an illusion.  It is existence shining as whole and complete unborn non-dual awareness/consciousness appearing as a real world.  In so far as it exists, it is consciousness through and through.  Maybe this is what you meant when you used the word illusion? Appearances exist; they just aren’t real. Likewise the statement that the world is an illusion.

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