The Very Precious Subtle Obvious Thing


Something clicked for me yesterday listening to the satsangs. I was in the bathroom measuring the room trying to figure out how I wanted to rearrange it to put in a shower while listening on my ear buds. You said something to the effect of the Self is to the body what God is to the world. I knew you meant what Consciousness is to the world. I felt a subtle idea sliding into a slot in my mind. All a sudden I realized Consciousness is  not an object. It’s me! The light that is aware of everything in my field of experience. How subtle !! There is really nothing to say about it. How many years have I listened and not understood? 

My mouth always gets me in trouble engaging in ways that solidify my enmeshment with the body and the world.  How long I pointed the finger at the world!  If  others  only knew what they were doing,  there wouldn’t be any problems. But it was me that didn’t know. So subtle. So precious. Yoga doesn’t know how to teach it.  Yogis only know how to withdraw the senses, but if you are enmeshed with the world it’s a waste of time because the one who is withdrawing is in the world.  

I looked back at our emails going back to 2015.  They were all just about me trying to find ways to fix my environment. To “help” others. But I was just trying to find a way to give meaning to myself. So pointless. I am that which gives meaning to everything.

I never under stood the question “how far are you from your mind?” I was trying to see myself with my mind. I am not the object to be known, Jason is! I know I’m preaching to the choir. I’m just happy that you are here because no one else would know what the hell I’m talking about.  I can’t help but feel like Isvara has corralled Jason into a tighter and tighter chute until there is nowhere left to go but through the door. Kicking and screaming the whole way, of course.  I don’t know what to do now but I know what NOT to do. I guess that’s a start 

Love “Jason”

Ram:  What to do now is to put in the shower and keep your ear buds in.   

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