Paolina:I recently came acrossConversations with Godby Neale Donald Walsch. Although I have not read it, just started, and that has drawn me to another...
Mary:Dear James, in Berkeley we started to discuss whether or not there are many clear descriptions about the nature of the self in theYoga...
Seeker:Okay, yeah, I see where my confusion lies. Before I also didn’t know I was hopping much when I looked into stuff. I thought...
Carl:I don’t think anyone can accuse Vedanta of not being complex! Just read some of the Vedantic commentaries if you want to be exposed...
Tom:Dear James, thank you for you detailed comments. Since you clarified that there has not been much misunderstanding among your students because of agreed-upon...
James:Note: This email was from a person with firm self-knowledge who is in thenididhyasanaphase.Nididhyasana,a phase that follows firm self-knowledge, popularly known as “enlightenment,” produces...
Ken:So you are saying that I still have more work to do. Please… no! James:As long as you are a doer, doing never ends....
Mica:I have been studying Vedanta for the last year, enquiring as much as possible. I have been using Ram’s lectures onVivekachudamaniand theGita,plus the bookHow...
Helmut:Dear Sundari, I have some need of clearance concerning the understanding ofjiva, Isvaraand awareness. I heard James often say that the self (awareness) is...
James:The person in this email has been writing for a long time, trying to make sense of his past. I finally got tired of...