Rupert: I came across a statement by someone in the yoga world (forgive me in advance for potentially being deluded by random teachings) that...
Rupert: Ramji, all is well, I am feeling extremely happy following my dharma; simplification is the best thing I’ve done since quitting drugs and...
Tod:I’m having a small problem when I try to explain why the self is love. You can certainly say consciousness/awareness IS the essence, but...
KW:Hi, I had a short exchange with James a while back when he was less busy, but now I want to know the relationship...
David:Hi. I had an interesting dialogue with a guy about the causal body. It did not go far, because he has theosophical view and...
John:Hi, Sundari. Well, what can I say? With all due respect, that was excellent! A smack back to reality (so to speak). If I...
Henry:Dearest Sundari, thank you again for your fabulous response. Your words are so to the point. Sundari:You are most welcome, Henry, always a pleasure...
Christine:My dear Sundari! Thank you for thesatsang. It has led me to another question. I get that matter/Creation is a projection, but what “creates”...
Jan:Dear Ramji, first of all, I want to wish you, Sundari and the whole of ShiningWorld all the best in the new year. This...
Seeker:I need to be clearer on the meaning of the tree of life quote in theGita,Chapter XV. I’ve understand so far that the branches...