Dear James, The topics in the online satsang so far, from my point of view, are about understanding and learning the things that help...
Dear Ramji, The moral inventory process has been very useful. This Jiva came with so much delusion and confusion. I have been very selective...
Namaste Ramji, I am a student in the traditional Advaita Vedanta. I had a question which is a bit on the theoreticalside of Vedanta....
Note: This satsang is a sequel to a recent exchange I posted, called The Vaccine and the Tamasic Delusions of Fear. It is a...
Hello James, I am almost near the end of your seminar of 1/2020 that I bought from your website and have gone through...
Dear Ram, I’ve been pondering something for a while, and never seem to get a clear understanding. In your cosmic diagram of the Self...
The Third Factor Dear James, Your explanation to the very first question I sent you regarding Experience introduced in “The Essence of Existence” has...
The process of Superimposition responsible for theconfusion of the apparent reality with awareness. Ignorance is not ‘bad’ although it may have unpleasant consequences. In...
Peter: I write as someone who has been actively studying and applying Advaita knowledge for a few years with another teacher, though James was...
Dear James, I’m enjoying your teachings “The Self is Bliss 2019” Trout-Lake. In video number 9 you read a great and fascinating story about...