Dear Friends, As announced in our previous Newsletter, we have introduced a new two pronged method to our online teaching, with the intention...
Consider this… 1. If you feel incomplete. 2. You will seek completion in various ways. 3. Seeking love from others is the most common way....
This is an email to a decent, intelligent life coach who thinks of himself as a committed seeker of freedom and quite in love...
Dear Sundari, I have a doubt about two parts of the teachings, both arose out of a satsang James gave recently, where he used...
This email was written as homework by a participant of the Sunday night satsang on Zoom. It was written in answer to another inquirer...
A Tough Love Satsang Hey Sundari and Ramji, As you know I broke up recently in the middle of work related stress. Initially, this...
Dear Ramji and Sundari, I just wanted to say hello and send love to you both! Did you enjoy your trip to Suryalila (or...
Dear Ramji, I was speaking with a Vedanta friend recently and we were discussing teachers. As we spoke about different teachers I told him...
Love is life knowledge and love is Vedanta knowledge. This wonderful memoir culled from the New York Times by Joe Blair, a mechanic in...
Dear Ramji, Upon my return send both you and Sundari, my deepest gratitude and regards. It was an amazing seminar on so many levels...