Questioner:Dear Ramji, I came across the following statement in an blog about the importance of God-knowledge. It said, “Using the simple logic of inference,...
Gary:Dear James, your advice means everything to me. I am lost withoutIsvara. Today in my morning meditation I read in Swami Dayananda’sHome Study Course,Chapter...
Om Purnamadah purnamidam Purnaat purnam udachyate. Purnasya purnam adaya Purnameva avasisyate. Isvara,pure original consciousness (adah), is full.Jiva, Isvaraplus a subtle body (idam), is full....
Student:Hello, Ramji. In your video in Trout Lake about thegunas,video four, you say that the first material that is created is the pure reflective...
C:I have a question. In one of Ram’s videos he mentions that he’s always been in good health (apart from his heart operation) due...
Jeff:Since I’m part of the total, then isIsvara“rooting” for me, maybe guiding me if it’s within mydharma? Or isIsvaratotally indifferent to whether or not...
Isaac:Dear Sundari, thank you for the kind words and encouragement. I must agree that this is the teaching to end all teachings and that...
Marco:Hello, Sundari. Thanks very much! I’m glad to hear that, just like Vedanta in a sense, painful for the ego, but so worth it!...
Kevin:Dear Sundari, many sincere thanks for your email. If you or Ramji would be willing to do e-satsangswith me, it would be an incredible...
Note:This email is part of a much longer ongoingsatsangthat will be posted presently, which evolved when an inquirer experienced problems with her teacher. Karen:Hi,...