The Unavoidability of Me What is real is Self-Aware Consciousness. Upon inquiry all percepts, concepts and feelings resolve into Awareness. All “Physical” objects...
April 16, 2018
The Unavoidability of Me What is real is Self-Aware Consciousness. Upon inquiry all percepts, concepts and feelings resolve into Awareness. All “Physical” objects...
John:Hi, Sundari. Well, what can I say? With all due respect, that was excellent! A smack back to reality (so to speak). If I...
Don:I am in the process of trying to resolve the questions that arose from your last email, but in the process I have been...
Matt:Is this a true statement?: The I that I am and that isIsvarais independent ofIsvaraandIsvara’screation. Sundari:Correct.Isvaraandjivaboth depend on awareness to exist, but awareness depends...