Shining World

Suffering Returns

Dear Ramji,

It was such a touching seminar!

To have everything broken down in a short intense fashion, I loved it. I really needed to hear it again, as suffering has become a factor again somehow.

I felt guilty because I was very dull-minded from my work as a chef…always on my feet in cramped quarters. Life is tough in the modern world. I really have to be strong to not run away from my karma to India. Been there, done that. I have been relaxing from spirituality for about 6 months and didn’t listen much to Vedanta any more and, as you said, suffering came back slowly, slowly.

The seminar has put me back on track and now the desire to get free is back…much stronger than before in fact, as now I know again why I want freedom and nothing else. Living life in Samsara is a pain in the ass, a waste of time somehow. I will make my mind busy with the teachings my highest priority from now on.

I think I now start to really understand what Karma Yoga means and how to do it. It took me 6 years since we met and one seminar. I hope you get some good rest after all the seminars. Amazing what you do at 84. I am full of gratitude

Bhima Baba ♡

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