Shining World

Self-Knowledge Gradually Chips Away Ignorance

Harry: Hi, James.

I hope this finds you well and with renewed health after India, maybe even taking it easy a little in South Africa.

Despite your body giving you all this hardship, the teachings in India were exquisite. I think I finally got the full picture of the “non-path” of Vedanta. I loved the way you had structured the teaching. It’s been three years now since I met you, and I see how self-knowledge gradually chips away at whatever ignorance is still lodged and hardwired in jiva-Harry. No matter how trying and painful at times, even for long periods, but how beautiful is the brightening sun of self-knowledge gradually unfolding a big picture that gets firmer and firmer.

Deeply held structures of ignorance are falling away, particularly to do with what you addressed in me a while back – the lack of self-esteem, lack of self-respect. My fearful clinging to being acknowledged, loved and considered by others is losing its frightful countenance. Big relief. My jiva went through quite an intense episode of learning in India about all this. Everybody else seemed to fall into ever-deepening layers of sattva – not me. I could hardly sleep at night most of the time. But to go through this while listening to the wisdom of Vedanta was balm to the tortured soul and just what the doctor ordered. The simple, glorious truth that I am eternal, limitless, free consciousness cannot shine when there is still a bundle of psychological/emotional stuff – vasanas – still apparently able to torture the apparent jiva.

James: Well, it’s shining or you wouldn’t know what your jiva was experiencing, but the bliss wasn’t there, it was obscured by so much rajas/tamas.

Harry: My God, what a game Maya has created! I have no questions, only gratitude for having met you and Sundari, and being blessed with these holy teachings. And thank you, James, for your generosity, overflowing with love for these teachings. I love the way you teach. It totally speaks to me. I love the way you give everything – the sublime, the good, the bad, you bare it all, warts and all. Thank you for your realness, courage, boldness, balls, shining beauty, enormous heart. Only the self, Isvara, you. It means the world to me. The teachings are liberation, your example is liberation.

James: Thanks for the update and the appreciation. You’re definitely on the Vedanta bus. Good for you! The fact that you stick to it through thick and thin tells me that you understand the value of Vedanta; that’s all that counts because it means you will never get off, which means that you will eventually constantly experience the constant bliss of your nature as it reflects in the sattva.

~ Much love, James

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