Shining World


What Is the Body?


SKU: MP3PD2013-17-19 Categories: ,


This third and final book of the Enlightened Lifestyle series continues the explorations begun in book one, The Basics of Self-Inquiry, and book two, Lifestyle Solutions, investigates the nature of the body and proposes a knowledge-based approach to taking care of it with reference to the gunas. Although there is no one rule that fits all regarding diet and lifestyle, we need to understand the laws that run the Field of Life and live according to them, as well as according to our own nature, or we suffer. Taking into consideration both the microcosmic (personal) and macrocosmic (impersonal) perspective helps us to understand the environment so that we can maximize health and peace of mind. Understanding how the forces in the Field work, and realize how programmed we are and why, helps us to make more informed choices.


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