Shining World


How to Attain Enlightenment eBook


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How to Attain Enlightenment: The Vision of Nonduality

This complete guide to enlightenment presents the wisdom of the ancient science of self-inquiry (Vedanta), a time-tested means for achieving spiritual freedom.  It is a challening and liberating book because (1) with crystal clear logic it leads the seeker to the unavoidable conclusion that the joy he or she seeks in life’s object can only be the nature of the seeker himself and (2) it  convincingly refutes popular views of enlightenment as: a unique state of consciousness, a special status, a no-mind state, a dead ego and a host of other spiritual myths.  Once the enlightenment myths are out of the way In his straightforward style James takes the reader from the beginning to the end of the path of Self Inquiry.  The book proceeds to discuss the path of Inquiry: the need for an impersonal peroven means of knowledge, the importance of a proper teacher capable of weilding the teachings, the qualifications for success in self inquiry and the nature of the self, pure awareness.  The book does not stop simply with the revelation of our nature as awareness but discusses in detail the various practices that are necessary for self knowledge to flower in the mind: action (karma) yoga, devotion, knowledge (jnana) yoga, meditation, and perhaps the most powerful and transformative tool of all: the yoga of the three energies (gunas).  One chapter at the end discusses the teachings of Ramana Marharshi in relation to Vedanta and another presents a reasoned critique of the modern ‘Advaita’ movement that has spawned the recent satsang culture.

This book has transformed many lives. It is a true classic and is responsible for bringing the great tradition of Vedanta, the gradaddy of all teachings and the knowledge behind all paths to enlightenment, to the Western world in a completely understandable way.

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