Inquirer: When will you truly be able to say, “I’ve made it”?
Isvara: The answer is “As soon as I start working on myself!”
Thank you Ramji, as usual impeccable timing for this message.
Ramji: In the Gita Ishwara says, “I am Time Destroyer of Wombs,” meaning that everything begins when it is supposed to begin, remains as long as it is supposed to remain and disappears when it it supposed to go. Understanding this fact, you have no choice but to serve Ishvara. I don’t know what I am supposed to do when Isvara wakes me up and I don’t need to know. I go where the thoughts go. I’m on time, as they say. If you have trouble with time; if you procrastinate or jump the gun, you aren’t worshipping Ishwara. You think good old # 2 is #1. You have it backward. Your timing is bad. You strike out or hit a foul ball. No hOMe runs for you. Your life skills need a bit of work.
If you follow Ishvara, you will be the home run king and end up one with Isvara, who is the GOAT (the greatest of all time and a shoo-in for the Eternal Hall of Fame.
Another name for Ishwara is Bhagavan, the one with all the wealth (bhaga). Not the one with the most money, the one with all of It. Worshiping Bhagavan, you end up secure at every time and every place. You transcend time and gain immortality, meaning you never worry about anything. You know Bhagavan has your back so you never look over your shoulders. You are confident, perfectly satisfied. You like yourself. That’s what non-duality means.
Isvara is the doer that doesn’t do too. It tells you to show your appreciation for Ramji and it supplies the words your words need, in this case the word timing. There is a life-lesson in every word, even the adjectives, adverbs and prepositions. There is satisfaction in every teaching, because Ishwara is perfect satisfaction. The one whose timing is impeccable is perfectly satisfied. That’s the reward.
Now Ishwara is telling me to say sayonara as He/She/It has a torrent of blissful words to say at Trout Lake and Ramji needs to be there on time to deliver them to many listening Ishvaras. That’s how it goes. Anyway, appreciation is always appreciated.