Shining World

Pat Yourself on the Back

Mike: Dearest Ramji, many blessings to you and Sundari.

I haven’t written for some time, so wanted to let you know I am very much looking forward to the India satsangs in January 2017.

I have been diligently exposing my mind to the teachings of Vedanta. Slowly but surely I find the mind is settling down and becoming more peaceful. More and more my days pass without much struggle or drama. Often I feel as if I am floating “above” experience, just watching, not moving, sitting in a seat of silence, without preference, qualities or attributes, free from all that is apparently living and dying in me.

Waves of bliss, sometimes as strong as taking a powerful drug, come and go. This too I watch. Sometimes it is hard not to get overly involved with the good feeling. There is a part of me that believes I deserve the bliss after all the suffering I have endured in my life. But I know this is just Maya spinning her web, trying to suck me back into thinking I am a small, limited being. So I watch the bliss come and go, thank Isvara for each apparent change and focus on the knowledge of my true nature.

As I understand my true nature, I am beginning to understand why you say you haven’t had a bad day in 45 years. There is a freedom and lightness of being that reveals itself as the light of self-knowledge intensifies. I am also finding an innocence and inner joy in relationship to life that is reminiscent of when I was a child. As the imaginary shackles of Maya’s grip disappear, the concept of enjoying my SELF takes on an entirely new meaning!

All this I owe to you, Ramji. Through you I understand the scriptures and know freedom. For that I am eternally grateful. For that I love you.

I bow before you and kiss your feet – my beloved teacher and friend.

~ In love, Mike

James: Grace is earned, Mike. You deserve your good fortune. You forthrightly stuck to your inquiry through thick and thin. Appreciation is always appreciated, but give yourself a good pat on the back.

~ Love, Ramji

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