Non-Dual Devotion (Bhakti)

Dear Ram,

Thank you so much for the great satsangs and all your generosity and being such a supportive amazing guide in my life.  I truly am happy, content and care-free! I owe it all to you (and that means Me and Isvara too) 

Thank you so much for the great satsangs, welcoming me into your life, all your generosity and being such a supportive amazing guide in my life.  I truly am happy, content and care-free! I owe it all to you (and that means Me and Isvara too) 

I know it may sometimes seem I’m over-confident, cocky or egotistical but I hope not!  But if it does, it’s only because I really am so happy and elated to know you and be in your presence and I am so confident in knowing who I am! I have such an amazing life.

Ram:  It doesn’t.  Others may misunderstand because you are young but this knowledge/experience, which has been going on for several years is just the certainty of well-assimilated Self knowledge.  Your incredible devotion lights up my life.  Thank you for sharing with me  I will share it with the world because people should know that freedom and non-dual love are possible.   I’d say pat yourself on the back but there isn’t any back or front, up or down, this way or that way for you.  You are always in my presence because we are one. 

I continuously count my blessings and offer gratitude for this supreme existence, exceptional circumstances and bounty. I often wonder how long it can really continue in being so damn wonderful, but then I read Krishna’s words over and over again “Surrender to me alone with your whole heart. By my grace you will gain absolute peace, the eternal abode.” “Being one whose mind is offered to me, one whose devotion is to me, one whose worship is to me; do salutations to me. You will reach me alone. I truly promise you. (Because) you are dear to me.”

Ram:  It can’t continue because it was never born.  It is just you.  As the Bhakti Sutras say, “Non-dual love grows and grows.”  Of course it doesn’t grow but it does!  It is endless.  Only you, who were qualified and properly taught would understand. 

And worry I do not. I face the daily karma, sometimes a grind, with the words of the scripture as the rudder of my ship. I can take it or leave it. It’s all a zero sum.  Thank God it’s a dream!! I sometimes feel like I’m the only one for miles who is enjoying such marvelous thoughts and basking in true freedom, and it’s true to some degree but then again there’s just the one principal operating at any moment, so it doesn’t matter that I can’t share a knowing laugh or joke with myself in another body! But I still do.  I love my family and friends and everyone I meet equally.   

I love you man.

Thanks to you and Sundari for leading the light into the darkness. Thanks for being such great friends and caretakers. I like being me, thanks to you, I’ll continue to like being me for eternity.

Your friend, student, self

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