No “Not” with I

The Process of Revelation

I was listening to your lectures on Pandachasi again and also Swami Dayananda on Aprokshanubuti when a realization occurred that there is no NOT with I AM.  I am this or that is a confusion but I am NOT this or that is also a confusion.  There is no “not” with I Am; everything is because I am.

James:  Yes, indeed.  Reality is non-dual Existence shining as unborn Consciousness.  Even if a “not” appears it is only due to ignorance of the fact that two or more principles exist.

All of this, that, me, you, he, she are pointing to the I AM, which is spposedly borrowing being from AM/IS as names and forms, the one reality of all of which is the AM/IS and the names and forms are materialized on I AM as their locus of existence.

James:  Yes, again.  The word “supposedly” means there is no borrowing.  Borrowing is a necessary but dualistic teaching. 

You always tell me there is a word problem with me, I see words are not pointers to any discrete objects.  Pot has a name/form but its truth is clay, clay is a name/ form but its truth is atom, electron’s truth is a vibration In space, etc. ad infinity… the non-thing, the underlying meaning, that which is the ultimate underlying being is what seemingly allows for all of this, truth , a non-local (locality/nonlocality are also pointers) something real, present, palpably present,  No name, no form, hence no word!

James:  We need words generated from the logic of existence to eliminate misconceptions, not to refer to anything discrete.  Anything separate or discrete is due to ignorance, which causes confusion between the subject and the objects presenting themselves to it, which Vedanta removes.  If there is any object to be known, it is the apparent subject (subject/object are also pointers), Existence shining as unborn Consciousness.  

Yes, Isvara is the Big Doctor who writes cryptic nuggets of revelation, the phenomenon that is the basis of the Upanishads and forms the basis of the sutra literature (Vedanta), commentaries by self-realized people that unpack the meaning of the revelations.  Vedanta is “heard” or “seen,” meaning it comes from Existence, which is “beyond” or “outside” the individual’s world of perceptions and inferences.  You are a proper seer (rishi) now.  You have heard the truth. 

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