Newsletter: ZOOM Satsang – 10th of September 2023

Dear friends

We are glad to be back home in Spain after a very intense and successful US trip. We would like to thank our dear friends who suppported our stay in the US, and all who participated in Trout Lake. It was a wonderful time for all.  We are getting some rest and finding our way back into our normal life before the next seminar here in Spain. Our cat, Chairman Miaow, was very happy to see us, and our resident fox survived the fierce heat of summer. Both are doing well thanks to friends of ours who looked after them for us.

We are excited to announce that Ramji will unfold this Sunday the exoteric and esoteric meaning of one of Vedanta’s most meaningful symbols, Nataraj – Shiva the Dancing King. 

Join the Zoom Meeting tomorrow at 7pm Madrid time:

Meeting ID: 834 616 7587

Passcode: 2023

Much love

Ramji and Sundari

See here the full Newsletter:

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